Delvings in Science
Show Excerpt ∣ PDF ∣ Microsoft WordIn other words, my actual question was neither answered nor even addressed.
But the author thought he had addressed it. My friends and colleagues who read this exchange also thought he had.
I, however, was immediately aware that he had not. Which causes me to wonder: Am I the only one who can be omniscient on these matters? - ANIMAL JUMPERS: WHO ARE THE CHAMPS?
Show Excerpt ∣ PDF ∣ Microsoft WordIn the National Geographic, Vol. 173, No. 5 (May 1988), on page 673, it states that a flea can jump 150 times its own length. Therefore, proportionally a flea is a better jumper than a grasshopper—about three times better, if you simply do the math! - ARMY ANTS AMBIGUITY
Show Excerpt ∣ PDF ∣ Microsoft WordI, and other readers in this household, remain confused.