Vatican Imprimatur Series

Vatican Imprimatur Series is a religious press devoted to publishing material that is strictly Christian and reflective of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Our publications-books, pamphlets, broadsides-cover the gamut of fiction (novels and shorter works) and nonfiction (historical, didactic, and speculative theology). All works conform to the Vatican’s “Nihil Obstat” adjuration, and even works of fiction or speculative theology keep company not only with the strict teachings of the RCC’s patristic thinkers but also with its most eminent modern writers. Although a few titles are somewhat scholarly, none warrant being judged pedantic. Every publication is intended to have universal appeal for the lay person, the scholar, or the contemplative.


Placed in England during the 16th century,  this novel concerns itself with the folly of battle. The main character is a soldier, whose skill with the sword, along with his loyalty to his own Duke, allows him to rise from humble station and become a Duke himself.  This soldier is a man we can hope to imitate because he “was not a great man, but he was a better man than most.”