Primrose Press

Many people (some with dismay, others with delight) have remarked on the fact that the three men’s liberation books by Doctor Amnéus, published under the auspices of Primrose Press, are written from a right-wing, conservative perspective. This is in marked contrast to the title Men Freeing Men, edited by Doctor Baumli, which most would describe as liberal and some would describe as left-wing. (This title is published under the auspices of New Atlantis Press, a subsidiary of Viaticum Press International.) The different political perspectives of these two presses should well illustrate the fact that the primary concern of Viaticum Press International is not with politics, but with writing that is erudite, impassioned, and which evinces impeccable craft.


Here is the apex of Daniel Amnéus' thinking on issues surrounding the family, divorce, and parenting. Amnéus argues convincingly that divorce not only weds the mother to the state, but also ostracizes the father while demanding his paycheck and creating an anarchy of optional lifestyles which leave people adrift without any firm sense of values. Endorsed by Warren Farrell, Richard Doyle, Victor Smith, and others, this book sets forth the traditional, nuclear family as the necessary matrix for a stable society and as the only crucible within which a civilization's workable values can receive proper nourishment.
Doctor Amnéus' second book on gender theory examines the increasing prevalence of crime in our society and places its genesis directly on the doorstep of the mother-headed household. This book criticizes welfare programs which encourage a father to make himself absent from a household, shows the myopia and malice in feminist anti-male propaganda, and prescribes a return to the father-headed family. This book, despite its alarming analysis of society's ills, is refreshingly pro-child in its tone and ideology.