Men’s Liberation
Show Excerpt ∣ PDF ∣ Microsoft WordWhile many gay women are feminists of one sort or another, it is not commonly true that gay men, however interested they are in gay liberation, are also interested in men’s liberation. Which means that gay men are perhaps involved in only half the soul searching they could profit from. - HOBOS, BUMS, BAG LADIES, STREET PEOPLE: NOW WHAT THE HOMELESS NEED IS MORE ACCURATE TERMINOLOGY
Show Excerpt ∣ PDF ∣ Microsoft WordSo when Marianne Faithfull passes out on the street for the night because she used too much heroine, but then the next day is rescued by friends or by the driver of Mick Jagger’s limousine, this scarcely involves the same level of suffering experienced by a divorced man who has permanently become a malnourished wino, without a friend in the world, now living in a cardboard box behind a warehouse. - FATHER BASHING ON FATHER’S DAY:(IT’S HATEFUL AND IT’S BORING TOO)
Show Excerpt ∣ PDF ∣ Microsoft WordHe warned fathers to trim their nose hair and, while they’re at it, trim their ear hair too. They must be sure to keep food stains off their BBQ aprons while wearing the necktie they got last Father’s Day. Also Corrigan reminded “dear old dad” to keep his hands off the TV remote. Then, with snarky sarcasm, he ended with, “Oh, yeah, Happy Father’s Day ... “ - OBITUARY: Frank S. Zepezauer
Sept. 2, 1928 – June 3, 2017
Show Excerpt ∣ PDF ∣ Microsoft WordI felt instead a deep relief to know that we
Had lived a day that might have wakened dread.
We seized the day by letting it go
When thought, not time, was our deadliest foe.