Viaticum Press International



Men Freeing Men: Exploding the Myth of the Traditional Male
Edited by Francis Baumli, Ph.D.
Publisher: New Atlantis Press

Softcover trade paperback
Price: $16.95
ISBN: 0-9615480-0-2

Note: A first-edition, first-printing copy of this book, signed by the editor, Francis Baumli, can be obtained for $100.

This men's liberation anthology, the most comprehensive book of its kind ever published, takes a men's rights perspective: while society is sexist toward women, society also has sexist attitudes toward men--as is evidenced by men's second-class status as parents, lack of rights when divorcing, vastly higher suicide rates, etc. If the books by Daniel Amnéus (published by Primrose press, a subsidiary of Viaticum Press International) are politically conservative, this book has a more liberal tone, with a positive attitude toward gay rights, a welcoming attitude toward women's liberation (with criticisms of feminist excesses), and an upbeat tone about men's role as parents. (For a more comprehensive summary of this book, click here and then scroll down to "Customer Reviews".)

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